Comedy writer and radio personality (“The humble Farmer”) Robert Skoglund, 88, died on Nov. 30. Known as “The New England Garrison Keillor,” Skoglund hosted a jazz and humor program, The humble Farmer, on Maine Public Radio from 1978 – 2007 (he was booted off the air for criticizing the Bush, Jr., administration, after which he hosted a podcast). He also wrote a humble Farmer newspaper column, and famously hosted an annual lobster bake in his back yard. An actual farmer, he and his wife (“the almost perfect woman”) ran a bed and breakfast, and sold home-grown produce. “I have more friends than anybody in the state of Maine,” Skoglund said. “That to me is the greatest thing – to have someone drive up to your dooryard and say, 'I've been listening for 15 years.' What a flattering thing to be the clown for the most intelligent people in northern New England.”