Canadian comedienne Kathleen McGee, 43, died of cancer on Nov. 3. She began doing standup in Edmondton in 2005, and in 2008 won the “Funniest Person with a Day Job” competition at The Comic Strip. She worked in Vancouver, Toronto, and Los Angeles before returning to her home town of Edmonton. McGee wrote for the Canadian magazine BeatRoute, and recorded the album Deliciously Vulgar. She also hosted the podcasts Kathleen McGee is a Hot Mess, and The Dead Baby Bear Podcast. McGee told interviewer Guy McPherson in 2017 that “I’m an emotional person! I’m a crier. When I’m performing, it’s easy. I could be bawling and then go up and be fine. It’s weird. I can get up there and just be me.” She competed in a lot of comedy showcases, and hated it: “Competitions are awful. You put a bunch of people who are doing this because they want attention and love, and then they get told that we love this other person the most, then of course you’re going to have tears and resentment and upset feelings. It’s unavoidable. Contests are the worst.”